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Self Portrait/ There's Someone in My Head... /

Self Portrait/ There’s someone in My Head…’ is an investigation of the inner ‘self’ through a Jungian lens.

Phillips McLaren hand-crafted four effigies representing Jung’s four main archetypes, which, when combined, represent the whole ‘Self’.

Each video-sculpture characterises separate aspects of his identity, performing independently but at the same time, collectively creating a single self-portrait in a three-dimensional environment.

These performances range in delivery and dialogue and are designed to engage the viewer on multiple levels.

Phillips McLaren disrupts any emotional response to the piece by revealing the mechanisms of its operation. 

A walk through video of the installation:
Self Portrait/ There’s  Someone in My Head…
At ‘The Future Now’ art exhibition.

Installation & promo clips:
Self Portrait/ There’s  Someone in My Head…
At ‘The Future Now’ art exhibition.

A one minute social media promotional video:
Self Portrait/ There’s  Someone in My Head…

The shadow animation for the installation.