Photographic Works /

Fractured Whispers
Fractured Whispers / In the heart of these ancient Celtic / Atlantic rainforest’s is where the veil between the worlds is thinnest! I

The ‘Self’ & The ‘Other’
The ‘Self’ & The ‘Other’ / This series of self-portraits, is an exploration of the ‘Self’ through the lens of ancient Roman portraiture

Pear / The pear has a multiplicity of meanings and has been used in art as a symbol as far back as the

Walk In The Woods
Walk In The Woods / ‘Walk In The Woods’ is a personal journey rooted in my childhood. It’s a visual exploration of the

In The Mist
In The Mist / ‘In The Mist’ is a series that delves into the emotions evoked by the forests and mists of my

Beyond The Edge
Beyond The Edge / The inception of ‘Beyond The Edge’ came about spontaneously one New Year’s morning during breakfast when a thunderstorm breezed

Self-i / The selfy is a millennial social phenomenon; Once the sole domain of teenagers, it has now permeated our culture on a

Gwen “Did I Want To Be Here?”
Gwen – “Did I Want To Be Here” / Gwen is a 5’6″ (1.7 m) tall 16 panel gum birchromate print and was
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